Institut généalogique Drouin

Great collections

This section shows the Great Collections of the Drouin Institute. Because some collection are big, you will find a description of the collection with a list of published volumes.

The History is available in the Home section

The Men Joseph-Drouin Series
Marriages 1760-1880

Was known in the past as the Blue Drouin, it lists French Canadian marriages, from 1760 to 1880, sorted by men.

The Men Gabriel-Drouin Series
Marriages 1880-1935

Was known in the past as the Blue Drouin, it lists French Canadian marriages, from 1880 to 1935, sorted by men.

The Women Joseph-Drouin Series
Marriages 1760-1880
Was known in the past as the Blue Drouin, it lists French Canadian marriages, from 1760 to 1880, sorted by women.

The Women Gabriel-Drouim Series
Marriages 1880-1935
Was known in the past as the Blue Drouin, it lists French Canadian marriages, from 1880 to 1935, sorted by women.

The Histor File by René Jetté
Marriages and contracts 1730-1825
This collection include the catholic and protestant marriages celebrated in Quebec from 1730 to 1825, and also marriages in the Western French Forts such as Detroit (Series C) and Acadian marriages (Series D).  In all, over 700,000 pieces of data forming 60 or 61 volumes.

Acadian cards of the Fonds Drouin by Jean-Pierre-Yves Pepin
Civil Status 1600-1900
The Acadian files are presented by French, then Canadian sources. French sources include Acadian records found in France either because records were carried there or because some Acadians were born there after 1755.

The Drouin Genealogical Files by Jean-Pierre-Yves Pepin
Files 1600-1960
Available as books, those files include first hand material found, before 1960, by Joseph and Gabriel Drouin, to be associated with the delivered family genealogical works. 

Family genealogies by Joseph Drouin or Jean-Pierre-Yves Pepin
Genealogies 1899-1990
This series presents our most valuable ancestors and genealogies produced by Joseph Drouin.

Notaried documents by Jean-Pierre-Yves Pepin and Sébastien Robert
Notaried documents stamped or not 1800-1970
This cd-rom series presents Drouin Institute's notaried documents. More than 50 000 notaried documents have been digitized and nearly 40 000 are available on cd or online.

The Little Drouin by Noël Allaire, s.c., Benoît Charette, s.c., Lucien Pepin, s.c.
Marriages 1760-1825
This set lists catholic marriages of Quebec from 1760 to 1825.  The series has a first set of 22 books with marriages sorted by men, plus a 5 volume index by women.  A nice complement to the Men and Women series and a must for your reference library..

Kardex (répertoire sur fiches de plus d’un million d’autres mariages) by Gabriel Drouin
Marriages 1600-1960
Index of a million marriages that are not available in Men or Women series. Is a complement from Men and Women Series.

Fonds Drouin, 2366 microfilms
Vital Records 1621-1967
Vital Records (all religions) for Quebec, a part of Ontario, Acadia and some of the USA, Notary Records or index, and other documents. 

Franco-american files du Fonds Drouin par Jean-Pierre-Yves Pepin
Index Cards 1730-1825
Presented as 3 books, this is a set of index cards of people quoted in the Guide Officiel Franco-Américain (Official Franco-American Guide).  The whole series contains over 1,650 pages forming 3 bound volumes, and 6,420 cards and the references.